Meet Erin

Hello! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Erin, and I am a Tennessee girl through and through. I am a wife and mother and follower of Jesus. I became a Christian when I was a teenager, but it was in college that I truly began to examine my faith and search the Scriptures for who God is. As I have grown older, I have learned through experience how vital it is to know God’s Word so I can navigate all that life brings. Now in my early-forties, I have seen how God has used times of great difficulty to strengthen my faith in Him and make me more like Jesus.

Some of my earliest memories involve reading and writing, and I first began a blog back in 2005 (anyone remember Xanga??). Though my online writing has been less consistent up until recently, I have enjoyed building my Substack newsletter. That is where you can find most of my current content.

I love writing and speaking about lessons we can learn through suffering, and I am passionate about sharing my testimony of God’s care for me as I have dealt with depression and chronic illness. I love showing women how God gives us the means to follow Him through His Word, His people, and His church.

Feel free to look around the site. If you’d like to contact me about speaking to women at your church, click on the “Contact + Speaking” link found in the menu at the top of the page.

You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Substack.